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The Art of Managing Mastitis in Dairy Animals

Mastitis in Dairy Animals

Webinar Overview

This webinar is designed for dairy farmers, veterinarians, and animal health professionals to gain valuable insights into managing mastitis. Learn its causes, identify symptoms, and implement effective prevention and treatment strategies for healthier herds and improved milk production.

What to Expect in this webinar:

Introduction to Mastitis: Definition, types, and prevalence of mastitis in dairy animals.

Causes and Risk Factors: Understanding the causes of mastitis, including bacterial, viral, and fungal pathogens, as well as risk factors such as poor hygiene, inadequate milking practices, and cow comfort.

Symptoms and Diagnosis: Recognizing the signs and symptoms of mastitis, including clinical and subclinical cases, and understanding the importance of early detection and diagnosis.

Prevention Strategies: Best practices for preventing mastitis, including proper milking techniques, teat dipping, and dry cow management.

Treatment Options: Overview of treatment options for mastitis, including antibiotics, supportive care, and alternative therapies.