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Research Bulletins Of Phytocee®

PHYTOCEE a research based natural solution aims to improve immunity of birds as well as control the effects of stress caused by multiple stressors. Its polyherbal formulation contains phytoconstituents like Polyphenols, Withanolides and Triterpenoids.

PHYTOCEE is a phytogenic feed additive that works as a natural defence enhancer. It also promotes endurance, optimizes cell mediated immunity and helps in reducing the harmful effects of stress. This phytogenic feed additive is a heat stable animal feed additive and can be directly added to the feed.

Scientifically validated with OMICS technologies.

Publish Research Bulletin

1. Immunomodulatory Potential of PHYTOCEE® in Poultry : Effect on Serum Neopterin and H:L Ratio

To evaluate the immunomodulatory effects of PHYTOCEE® in broiler chicken

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2. Anti-stress Potential of PHYTOCEE® in Poultry : Effect on Serum Corticosterone and Vent Temperature

To evaluate the anti-stress effects of PHYTOCEE® in broiler chicken

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3. Efficiency of PHYTOCEE® on Egg Production in Layers

To evaluate the effect of PHYTOCEE® on egg production and egg quality in layers.

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4. Heat-stress Mitigating Potential of PHYTOCEE® in Poultry : Effect on Body Weight, FCR, and Gut Integrity

To evaluate the anti-stress effects of PHYTOCEE®

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5. Effect of PHYTOCEE® on Gene Expression in Poultry : A Genomic Analysis Using Microarray

To evaluate the heat stress associated gene expression effects of PHYTOCEE® in broiler chicken.  

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6. Adaptogenic Potential of PHYTOCEE® : Effect on Swim Endurance Test

To evaluate the adaptogenic effects of PHYTOCEE® in Swiss albino mice.

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7. Anti-stress Mechanism of Action of PHYTOCEE® : Effect on CRHR1 and 11β-HSD1

To elucidate the anti-stress mechanism of action of PHYTOCEE®.

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8. Anti-stress Potential of PHYTOCEE® : Effect on Cortisol Release

To evaluate the effect of PHYTOCEE® on an anti-stress biomarker, cortisol release.

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9. Anti-stress Potential of PHYTOCEE® : Effect on Immobility Test and Serum Cortisol Level

To evaluate the anti-stress effects of PHYTOCEE®.

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10. Safety of PHYTOCEE® : Effects on Body Weight, Clinical Signs, and Gross Pathology

To investigate possible toxicity effects of PHYTOCEE®.

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11. Antioxidant Potential of PHYTOCEE® : Effects on MDA, ALT, and AST

To evaluate the antioxidant potential of PHYTOCEE® in carbon tetrachlorideinduced oxidative stress rat model study.

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12. Hepatoprotective Potential of PHYTOCEE® : Effects on SOD, Catalase, and GSH

To evaluate the hepatoprotective potential of PHYTOCEE® in carbon tetrachlorideinduced oxidative stress rat model study.

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13. Antioxidant Potential of PHYTOCEE® : Cellular Antioxidant Activity (CAA) Assay

To evaluate the antioxidant potential of PHYTOCEE®.

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14. Efficacy of PHYTOCEE® on Egg Production in Layers

To evaluate the effect of PHYTOCEE® on egg production in Bovan’s White layers.

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15. Effectiveness of PHYTOCEE® on Egg Shell Colour in Layers

To evaluate the effect of PHYTOCEE® on egg shell colour in Isa Brown layers.

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16. Egg Quality Effectiveness of PHYTOCEE® : Effects on Egg Weight and Yolk Colour in Layers

To evaluate the effect of PHYTOCEE® on egg weight and yolk colour in Isa Brown layers

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17. Efficacy of PHYTOCEE® on Egg Freshness in Layers: Effects on Haugh Unit

To evaluate the effect of PHYTOCEE® on Haugh unit in Isa Brown layers

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18. Effectiveness of PHYTOCEE® on Egg Shell Thickness in Layers

To evaluate the effect of PHYTOCEE® on egg shell thickness in Isa Brown layers.

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19. Impact of PHYTOCEE® on Cell Mediated Immunity in Poultry : Effects on Cutaneous Basophil Hypersensitivity

To evaluate the effect of PHYTOCEE® on cutaneous basophil hypersensitivity test (CBHT, a biomarker for cell mediated immunity) in broiler chicken.

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20. Effectiveness of PHYTOCEE® on Serum Metabolomics in Poultry : Effects on Beta-alanine, Trans-4-Hydroxy-L-proline and Formate

To evaluate the effect of PHYTOCEE® on serum metabolites in broiler chicken.

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21. Impact of PHYTOCEE® on Growth Performance in Shrimp

To assess the effect of PHYTOCEE® on growth performance parameters of white leg shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei.

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22. Immunomodulatory Potential of ® PHYTOCEE in Shrimp

To assess the immunomodulatory effects of PHYTOCEE in white leg shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei.

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23. Impact of PHYTOCEE® on Survivability of WSSV Challenged Shrimps

To evaluate the effect of PHYTOCEE® on survivability of white leg shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei challenged with white spot syndrome virus (WSSV).

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24. Efl cacy of PHYTOCEE® on Survivability of Zebra Fish Subjected to Ammonia Stress

To evaluate the effect of PHYTOCEE® on survivability of model fish, Zebra fish (Danio rerio) in an ammonia stress model.

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25. Macrophage Phagocytosis Potential of PHYTOCEE®

To evaluate the macrophage activating property of PHYTOCEE® in a macrophage phagocytosis assay using J774A.1 murine macrophages

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26. Immunomodulatory Potential of PHYTOCEE®

To evaluate the immunomodulatory properties of PHYTOCEE® in natural killer (NK) cell activity assay.

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27. Impact of PHYTOCEE® on Growth Performance of Shrimp with High Stock Density Stress

To assess the synergetic effect of PHYTOCEE® on growth performance parameters of shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) reared under high stock density stress conditions

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28. Immunomodulatory Potential of PHYTOCEE® in Shrimp Reared Under High Stock Density Stress

To evaluate the immunomodulatory potential of PHYTOCEE® in shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) reared under high stock density stress conditions.

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29. Efl cacy of PHYTOCEE® on Survivability of Vibrio Challenged Shrimps

To evaluate effect of PHYTOCEE® on survivability of shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) challenged with Vibrio parahaemolyticus.

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30. Heat Stress Mitigation Potential of PHYTOCEE® in Cattle : Effects on Rectal Temperature and Respiratory Rate

To evaluate effect of PHYTOCEE® on rectal temperature and respiratory rate in heat stressed dairy cows.

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31. Efficacy of PHYTOCEE® in Amelioration of Heat Stress in Cattle

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32. Heat Stress Alleviation Potential of PHYTOCEE® in Cattle : Effects on Milk Yield

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33. Impact of PHYTOCEE® on Immunoglobulins in Colostrum of Sows

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34. Heat Stress Amelioration Potential of PHYTOCEE® in Cattle : Effects on Rectal Temperature and Respiratory Rate

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35. Heat Stress Amelioration Potential of PHYTOCEE® : Effects on Panting Score and Rumen Motility

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36. Heat Stress Mitigation Potential of PHYTOCEE® in Cattle : Effects on Milk Yield

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37. Stress Amelioration Efficacy of PHYTOCEE® in Sows: Effects on Salivary Cortisol

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38. Social Stress Amelioration Potential of PHYTOCEE® in Piglets: Effects on Incidences of Fighting Behaviour

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39. Farrowing Stress Mitigation Potential of PHYTOCEE® in Sows: Effects on Salivary Cortisol

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40. Immunity Boosting Potential of PHYTOCEE® in Piglets: Effects on Immunoglobulins

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41. Impact of PHYTOCEE® on Egg Production in Layers

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42. Effect of PHYTOCEE® on Shrinkage Loss Due to Pre-Slaughter Transportation Stress in Pigs

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43. Impact of PHYTOCEE® on Growth Performance in Layers : Effects on Body weight and Feed Consumption

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44. Production Performance Augmentation Potential of PHYTOCEE® in Layers : Effects on Egg Production

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45. Growth Performance Improvement Potential of PHYTOCEE® in Shrimp

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46. Immunomodulatory Efficacy of ® PHYTOCEE in Shrimp

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47. Effect of PHYTOCEE® on Survivability of WSSV Challenged Shrimps

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48. Efficacy of PHYTOCEE® on Survivability of Shrimps Under Salinity Shock Stress

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49. Impact of PHYTOCEE® on Heat Stress Amelioration in Cattle: Effects on Milk Yield and Milk SNF

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50. Heat Stress Alleviation Efficacy of PHYTOCEE® in Cattle: Effects on Cortisol Levels

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51. Performance Potential of PHYTOCEE® in Poultry: Impact on egg production

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52. Performance Potential of PHYTOCEE® in Poultry: Impact on egg production and egg defects

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53. Production Performance Potential of PHYTOCEE® in Poultry : Impact on the Meat Quality

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54. Impact of PHYTOCEE® on Egg Quality in Layers: Effects on Egg Weight, Egg Shell Thickness and Haugh Unit

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55. Viral Defence Response of Key Ingredient of PHYTOCEE® : Emblica officinalis (Amla)

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56. Efficacy of PHYTOCEE® on Growth Performance in Piglets

To evaluate effect of PHYTOCEE® on incidences of tail biting and average daily gain (ADG) in piglets.

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57. Acute Oral Toxicity Study of PHYTOCEE®: Effects on Clinical Signs and Mortality

To assess the oral toxicity of PHYTOCEE in female albino Wistar rats.

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58. Acute Oral Toxicity Study of PHYTOCEE® : Effects on Body Weight and Gross Pathology

To assess the oral toxicity of PHYTOCEE in female albino Wistar rats.

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59. Mutagenic Potential of PHYTOCEE® in Salmonella typhimurium mutant strain Ta98

To evaluate the mutagenic potential of PHYTOCEE® and / or its metabolites to induce reverse mutations at the histidine locus in the genome strains of Salmonella typhimurium.

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60. Mutagenic Potential of PHYTOCEE® in Salmonella typhimurium mutant strain TAMix

To evaluate the mutagenic potential of PHYTOCEE® and / or its metabolites to induce reverse mutations at the histidine locus in the genome strains of Salmonella typhimurium.

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61. Egg Production and Egg Quality Enhancing Effect of Ingredient of PHYTOCEE® in Layers: Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha)

To examine the impact of Withania somnifera root powder (WSRP) dietary supplementation on the production performance of laying hens.

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62. Growth Performance Augmentation Efficacy of Ingredient of PHYTOCEE® in Broilers : Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha)

To evaluate the effects of using Withania somnifera roots on the performance parameters in Hubbard strain broiler chicken.

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63. Immunomodulatory Activity of Ingredient of PHYTOCEE® : Withania somnifera

To investigate the adaptogenic activity of a standardized extract of Withania somnifera (WS) roots against a rat model of chronic stress (CS).

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64. Antistressor Effect of Ingredient of PHYTOCEE® : Withania somnifera

To evaluate the antistress activity of Withania somnifera on cold swimming stress test.

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65. Antianxiety Properties of Ingredient of PHYTOCEE® : Ocimum sanctum

To evaluate the antianxiety properties of the ethanol leaf extract of Ocimum sanctum (OS)

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66. Antidepressant-like Activity of Ingredient of PHYTOCEE® : Emblica officinalis

To evaluate the antidepressant-like activity of fruits of Emblica offcinalis using tail suspension and forced swim tests.

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67. Possible Mechanism of Action of Antidepressant-like Activity of Ingredient of PHYTOCEE® : Emblica officinalis

To study the probable mechanism of action of antidepressant-like activity of fruits of Emblica offcinalis.

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68. Antioxidant Systems Enhancing Potential of Ingredient of PHYTOCEE® : Emblica officinalis

To investigate the effects of water extract of Amla (Emblica offcinalis) fruits on antioxidant systems.

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69. Oxidative Stress Amelioration Effects of Ingredient of PHYTOCEE® : Emblica officinalis

To investigate the effects of water extract of Amla (Emblica offcinalis) fruits on oxidative stress amelioration.

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70. Immunomodulatory Potential of Ingredient of PHYTOCEE® : Ocimum sanctum

To investigate the effect of Ocimum sanctum on immune response in myelosuppressed Swiss albino mice.

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71. Lymphocyte Proliferation Potential of Ingredient of PHYTOCEE® : Emblica officinalis

To determine the immunomodulatory properties of Emblica officinalis using chromium (VI) as an immunosuppressive agent.

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72. Immunomodulatory Role of Ingredient of PHYTOCEE® : Emblica officinalis

To investigate the protective effect of amla against arsenic induced apoptosis in thymocytes of mice.

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73. Oxidative Stress Amelioration Efficacy of Ingredient of PHYTOCEE® in Broilers : Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha)

To investigate the oxidative stress amelioration effect of aqueous Withania somnifera root (WSR) extract in broiler chicks experimentally infected with Escherichia coli O78 @ 107 CFU/0.5 ml intraperitoneally.

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74. Immunomodulatory Potential of Ingredient of PHYTOCEE® in Broilers : Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha)

To investigate the oxidative stress amelioration effect of aqueous Withania somnifera root (WSR) extract in broiler chicks experimentally infected with Escherichia coli O78 @ 107 CFU/0.5 ml intraperitoneally.

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75. Immunostimulatory Potential of Ingredient of PHYTOCEE® in Broilers : Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha)

To evaluate the effects of hydroalcoholic leaf extract of Withania somnifera (WS) and a-tocopherol acetate (a-Toc) in the diets containing oxidized oil on the immune response, in the broiler chickens.

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76. Immunological Alterations Effects of Ingredient of PHYTOCEE® in Broilers : Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha)

To study the effect of dietary supplementation with Withania somnifera root powder (WSR) in chicken experimentally infected with infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV).

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77. Immune Organs Proliferation Efficacy of Ingredient of PHYTOCEE® in Broilers : Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha)

To study the effect of dietary supplementation with Withania somnifera root powder (WSR) on chicken experimentally infected with infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV).

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78. Immune Response Augmentation Effects of Ingredient of PHYTOCEE® in Broilers : Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha)

To study the effect of dietary supplementation with of Withania somnifera root powder (WSR) on in chicken experimentally infected with infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV).

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79. Heat Stress Induced Oxidative Stress Alleviation Potential of Ingredient of PHYTOCEE® in Broilers : Withania somnifera

To elucidate the heat stress alleviating effect of supplementation of Withania somnifera extract (WS) in commercial broilers reared during the hot summer.

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80. Adaptogenic Activity of Ingredient of PHYTOCEE® : Withania somnifera

To investigate the adaptogenic activity of a standardized extract of Withania somnifera (WS) roots against a rat model of chronic stress (CS).

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81. Procoagulant Factors Inhibition Potential of Ingredient of PHYTOCEE®: Emblica officinalis

To evaluate the anticoagulant properties of amla (Emblica officinalis) fruit extract.

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82. Proinflammatory Factors Inhibition Potential of Ingredient of PHYTOCEE®: Emblica officinalis

To evaluate the anti-inflammatory properties of amla (Emblica officinalis) fruit extract.

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83. Antistressor Potential of Ingredient of PHYTOCEE®: Ocimum sanctum

To analyze the potential of Ocimum sanctum (OS) as an effective antidote for noise stress

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84. Antistressor Effectiveness of Ingredient of PHYTOCEE®: Ocimum sanctum

To analyze the potential of Ocimum sanctum (OS) as an effective antidote for noise stress.

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85. Specific Immune Response Stimulation Effect of Ingredient of PHYTOCEE®: Ocimum sanctum

To investigate the effect of leaf extract of Ocimum sanctum on specific immune responses in Oreochromis mossambicus.

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86. Non-specific Immune Response Stimulation Potential of Ingredient of PHYTOCEE® : Ocimum sanctum

To investigate the effect of leaf extract of Ocimum sanctum on non-specific immune responses in Oreochromis mossambicus.

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87. Interleukin-2 (IL-2) Production Regulation Potential of Ingredient of PHYTOCEE®: Ocimum sanctum

To investigate the regulatory effect of aqueous extract of leaves of Ocimum sanctum on IL-2 cytokine production.

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88. Immunomodulating Effect of Ingredient of PHYTOCEE® : Ocimum sanctum

To investigate the effect of aqueous extract of leaves of Ocimum sanctum on T and B lymphocytes.

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89. Immunostimulatory Efficacy of Ingredient of PHYTOCEE® : Ocimum sanctum

To investigate the effect of aqueous extract of leaves of Ocimum sanctum on hematological parameters viz. total leukocytes count and hemoglobin concentration.

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90. Oxidative Stress Attenuation Efficacy of Active Constituent of Ocimum sanctum

To evaluate the potential roles of triterpenic acid: ursolic acid (UA) in the activation of the nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) pathway and the underlying mechanism

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91. Stress Amelioration Potential of Active Constituent of Ocimum sanctum

To evaluate the potential roles of triterpenic acid: ursolic acid (UA) in the activation of the nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) pathway and the underlying mechanism

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92. Antioxidant Capacity of Active Constituent of Emblica officinalis

To investigate the effect of polyphenolic compound: ellagic acid on the egg quality parameters in quails reared under normal conditions and at high environmental temperatures.

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93. Egg Quality Enhancing Effects of Active Constituent of Emblica officinalis

To investigate the effect of the polyphenolic compound: ellagic acid on the egg quality parameters in quails reared under normal conditions and at high environmental temperatures

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94. Performance Parameters Augmentation Efficacy of Active Constituent of Emblica officinalis

To investigate the effect of the polyphenolic compound: ellagic acid on the performance parameters in quails reared under normal conditions and at high environmental temperatures.

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95. Egg Production Improvement Effects of Active Constituent of Emblica officinalis

To investigate the effect of the polyphenolic compound: ellagic acid on the productive performance parameters in Gallus gallus laying hens.

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96. Antioxidant Activity Improvement Potential of Active Constituent of Emblica officinalis

To investigate the effect of the polyphenolic compound: ellagic acid on various antioxidant activities in Gallus gallus laying hens.

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97. Oxidative Stress Amelioration Effects of Active Constituent of Ocimum sanctum

To investigate the antioxidant activity of triterpenic acid: ursolic acid (UA) in C. elegans wildtype and skn-1- and prdx2- deficient strains.

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98. Osmotic Stress Resistance Potential of Active Constituent of Ocimum sanctum

To investigate the effect of triterpenic acid: ursolic acid (UA) on osmotic stress in C. elegans wildtype and skn-1- and prdx2- deficient strains

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99. Heat Stress Resilience Efficacy of Active Constituent of Ocimum sanctum

To investigate the effect of triterpenic acid: ursolic acid (UA) on heat stress in C. elegans wildtype and skn-1- and prdx2- deficient strains

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100. Depression-associated Gene Regulation Potential of Active Constituent of Ocimum sanctum

To investigate the effect of triterpenic acid: ursolic acid (UA) on expression of skn1 and prdx2 genes in C. elegans wildtype and skn-1- and prdx2- deficient strains.

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