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Research Paper

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Effect of Vitamin E Supplementation and High Stocking Density on the Performance and Stress Parameters of Broilers

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A Chickens liquid multivitamin and aminoacid supllement, EASYGROW ™ on growth performance in VENCOBB 400 Broiler chickens

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Evaluation of polyherbal formulation on high energy and low protein diet induced fatty liver syndrome: implications on performance, carcass characteristics, biochemistry and liver histopathology in Cobb 430 broilers

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Evaluation of a polyherbal formulation for the management of wet litter in broiler chickens: Implications on performance parameters, cecal moisture level, and footpad lesions

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Alleviation of Heat Stress by a Polyherbal Formulation, Phytocee™: Impact on Zootechnical Parameters, Cloacal Temperature, and Stress Markers

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Modulation of Chicken Cecal Microbiota by a Phytogenic Feed Additive, Stodi®: A Metagenomic Analysis

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Modulatory effect of Kolin Plus™, a polyherbal formulation on muscle growth development in choline deficient diet model of broilers: a genomic analysis using microarray

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Effect of dietary supplementation of phytogenic feed additive on performance traits,serum neopterin, and cutaneous basophil hypersensitivity response in heat-induced stress model of broiler chickens

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Small intestinal gut-associated lymphoid tissue histomorphometry analysis in broilers supplemented with Stodi®

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Field performance of Kolin Plus, a poly herbal formulation to replace synthetic choline chloride

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