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Commitment to sustainability

‘Responsible management of natural resources has been a part of the way we do business since our inception. We have always sought to operate our company with a strong regard for sustainability, which includes caring for the environment we share, the communities we work in, and the herbs we tend’- Anurag Agarwal, Managing Director, Natural […]

Making a difference through the “Joy of Giving Week”

We always strive to give back to the community and support people who do remarkable work for society. This time we partnered with Diya Ghar – an NGO that works towards the development of children from migrant communities. 109 of our employees participated in this week-long initiative called the “Joy of Giving Week”. This was […]

Training and capacity building of tribal communities for better livelihood

There are countless tribes across our country who are in need of intervention. To help the tribal and forest dweller communities, we directly reached out to them to pass on monetary benefits. This was in hopes to enable them to spend appropriately on their family needs. We also facilitated the forest communities to inculcate sustainable […]

Championing rural girls and women’s education

We believe youth empowerment is imperative for the flourishing future of our nation. That is why we keep on taking various initiatives for children’s education and pave a solid foundation for their future endeavours. In one such initiative, we provided basic support to government higher primary schools in Chikkahonnavalli Bengaluru, such as essential infrastructure like […]
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