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Things to keep in mind while preparing for the Calving Season

Calving is a natural process that does not require any assistance. However, it is extremely important to keep yourself and your animals thoroughly prepared for the calving season as there are number of things that one must take into account such as the feed intake and higher nutrient demand. Be it winter calving season or spring, staying prepared can help ensure a smooth process, for the bovine as well the farmer. Here are some things you can do to stay

prepared for the calving season:

  • Keep a calving kit handy

It is always a wise option to keep certain tools and equipment handy in case you need to assist your animal for a successful delivery. The situation might get out of hand when the calving is underway and you have to run around to get supplies to aid the process. Make time prior to the due delivery date and make a checklist of the supplies you should keep in hand, such as Disposable Obstetric Gloves, Obstetric Lubricant, Obstetric Chains, Paper Towels, Disinfectant Solutions, Feed, Tags, Tag Markers and more.

  • Understanding the Nutritional Needs of Cows:

The nutritional needs of the cow before and after calving plays a key role in the process. Meeting the nutritional requirements before calving is essential for the growth of the fetus and the production of colostrum (a milky fluid released by mammals right after giving birth). Cows that are overfed tend to struggle with dystocia (prolonged labour) due to fat accumulation in the pelvis

  • Review your Herd Health Plan:

If there has been a constant case of health issues within the herd, it is necessary to talk to your veterinarian to review the herd health and look out for signs of illness in the pregnant cow. You can also talk to your vet about how you can work towards reducing the risk of illness during this critical period.

  • Preparing for the weather conditions:

During the winter calving season, it is essential to ensure that there are sheltered areas for protection against strong winds. Keep a load of straws and shaving to use as bedding and ensure that the pen is dry. Calves that are born in wet and cold conditions can die of hypothermia if proper care is not given. In contrast, if the calving is taking place during the spring season, ensure that there is ample shade available to protect both the cow and the calf from excess heat.

  • Stock feed supplements:

Before calving, talk to your veterinarian about health protocols and a feeding schedule. Keep supplements for both the cow and calf in handy. For the cow, it is important to have feed supplements with the right ingredients to make sure that the cow doesn’t go off feed. Feed supplements can also be given for the timely start of lactation. Keeping a supply of colostrum for the calf can be of great help as it contains a high level of nutrients that support the immunity system. Kamdhenu formulated by Natural Remedies is an ideal feed supplement keep post-calving problems at bay.

Though the calving season can be a stressful period for both the animal and the caretaker, it is easier to get through when you plan ahead. Both the cow and the calf will need your assistance to recover, so plan beforehand and keep the essentials ready for a smooth calving experience!
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